Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, October 2, 2010

KPJ ICC Convention

Curhat by I E Z S M Y at 10/02/2010 11:06:00 PM
will attend this convention on tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. it will be held at Bukit Gambang Resort City.

actually the full rehearsal is tomorrow, and the day after that is the actual event + dinner. ok the theme for the dinner is Tropicana Night. please set into mind, the garments are like hawaiian+ala2 tepi pantai etc. =D picture will attached on the next entry. i'll handle the accommodation. the room for participants and viewers from the other KPJ hospitals. ohh i just hate that. lazy to fulfill the fussy one. nak kena penampar kalau banyak songeh. huh. =/ then i get fired because bad comment from the one yang i tampar tu. kahkahkah. =D ok cukup imaginasi melampau.

so 03.10 and 04.10 will be the busy day. nasib 2 hari aja. tapi kalau lepas tu sisa2 penat belum habis, mungkin malas lagi la nak update belog. huh dasar pemalas! =D

tengok. macamana nak update belog.
ok dah =p

notasajatambah: tolong cepatkan benda ni abis. huh.

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