Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, October 7, 2011

The Real 'COUNTING DAYS' begin.....

Curhat by I E Z S M Y at 10/07/2011 02:13:00 PM

It's starting now. ohemgeee!! like it so sooonnnn!! *well I'm used to have a short period of preparation. eg: my engagement. 2 months preparation. and I'm like it's ok, still have time. woohh.. yeah right. I'm blur ok. luckily tok kadi dah dapat. lega. wahh! (^_~)v

at this time, aku demam. last Monday I'm having a bored meeting at Kerteh. and the weather is HOT bebehh.. during that meeting, ada presentation from Safety dept maybe, tentang keselamatan tangan ketika bekerja di pelantar minyak (offshore). dan gambar2 boleh tahan ngeri. macam final destination pulak dah. tangan hancur, luka gila berdarah2 bla bla sort of thing. dan esoknya aku demam. Rabu MC, naik kerja jadi usikan orang2 di ofis, gi meeting tapi balik demam. sebab tengok gambar 'final destination' tuh. demm! cuaca tak menentu hokey.

now, Im hunting for wedding vendors. crazy hunting, sebab preparation period agak mendesak. ohhhh why why why?? *monolog dalaman. rasa cam tak terkejar pulak. hmm sabar je lah. kadang2 boleh bertukar jadi bride-zilla macam ni. hahahaha!

tak nak letak wedding ticker. (@_@)

ok bai.


3 curhat:

Nana on Friday, October 07, 2011 3:36:00 PM said...

i know dat feeling, but dont worry
settle it slowly, go0d luck dik.
hari tu tengok pun seri pengantin dah menyerlah :)

Lina on Friday, October 07, 2011 3:54:00 PM said...

kalau perlu bantuan bgtau ajer k...

I E Z S M Y on Friday, October 07, 2011 9:20:00 PM said...

kak bna: tu ah..kene kayuh slow2.hehehe..eh yeke bseri? *pipi merah. rs cam comot je aritu.haha. kak, perut kecik je, xnmpak pon cam pregnant. hehe..

kak ina: ok ptolongan dr segi ape tu? sponsor blh? ehehe


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