Confuse x title kat atas tu?hihi..but that's the truth yg jadi kat ofis tadi..huhu..
As usual, wake up in the morning, brush the teeth, take a shower and bla..bla..went to the office..bla..bla..sit at my work the pc..tak sampai 10 minit, blackoutt...pastu elok blk..then on blk blackout blk..on blk..blackout blk..agak2 dlm lbh 5kali la jd mcmtu kami2 ni pon boring asik nk on pc je..then biar je lah org2 maintenance bkejar sane sini carik punce jadi blackout kesian pon ade jgk kat diorg..huhu..but excuse meee..this is your job scope ok mr maintenance..
*The daily morning drink..
Iklan jap kat atas..hehe..So pade waktu ni aku dgn kak saba(staff HR, dept aku la tu..)bkemas kat tmpat sndri..kemaskn wayar pc yg bselirat kat bwh meje..huhu..sedeh btol..terase mcm pkeje wiring pon bile lg nk bkemas, kalau xblackout mcmni, mmg seme melekat kat atas kerusi hdp pc smpai pkul 5..smpai mate pedih merah mcm org br bgn tdo..begitu la kami..haha..
Lbh kurang pkul 4.30 baru la ok spenuhnye..dh xblackout dh..tu pon ade jgk bahagian ofis lain yg still blackout ms tu la tkocoh2 kelam kabut nk buat n print monthly report..print je, aku ttp blk pkul 5, report tu esok2 blh buat lagi..haha..pemalas arini mmg trase mcm keje gaji bute je..xbuat keje lgsg..nk buat mcmane..not my fault..uuu..hihi..
*The weather still crying now..........